NGMI Podcast

Crypto is confusing. This podcast should help clear things up.

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Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

Ben Simpson is an entrepreneur, crypto investor and founder of the crypto education platform Collective Shift. In this episode, Ben shared why he's not selling any of his crypto holdings for another few months (at least), the ethics of running a company that provides financial advice, why having a 'sell strategy' is crucial, memecoins, altcoins and much more.

Thursday May 23, 2024

Colton Kirkpatrick is the founder of the memecoin Zyncoin which ran up to a peak $150 million market cap during the degeneracy of May’s memecoin mania.
He’s a long-term crypto investor with one of the most unconventional introductions to crypto I’ve ever heard.
He’s also an ultra runner, a family man and someone who holds strong religious and moral beliefs.
In this episode expect to learn the story behind the launch and run up the of the Zyn memecoin, if memecoins are here to stay for the rest of the cycle, why Colton doesn’t think much of artificial intelligence, social media and increased technology use and why having a belief in God is crucial to staying grounded in crypto.
This was one of the most well-rounded and expansive discussions I’ve had on this podcast so far. I know you’re going to love this one.

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

Regan Bozman is the co-founder of the early-stage crypto investment firm Lattice and was among the first employees at another early-stage crypto venture firm called CoinList.
He was involved in the launch and development of several major tokens such as Solana, Near Protocol and Filecoin.
Expect to learn how Regan analyzes and selects early-stage projects for investment, where he thinks the crypto market is headed, the risks and rewards that come with EigenLayer and re-staking, as well how he balances concentrating vs. diversifying in his own portfolio + a whole lot more.

Saturday Apr 06, 2024

Dark Forest is a successful crypto investor and analyst at crypto venture capital firm Tangent Ventures. In this episode expect to learn why people shouldn't worry too much about memecoins, why a crypto project called Echelon Prime could be the most ground-breaking artificial intelligence game of all time, why Bitcoin, Ethereum and Solana look set to go a lot higher from now, and much more. Dark is one of my favourite people to speak to. He's a wellspring of reason and deep knowledge of almost everything to do with crypto. I hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as I enjoyed recording it. 

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

Craig Jackson is the co-host of Australia’s largest crypto podcast, Crypto Curious, a long-term crypto investor, and previously the head of growth at the popular Australian crypto investing platform Bamboo.
In this episode you’ll hear about Craig’s hard-fought lessons in the crypto space, why Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Coinbase are the “holy trinity” of crypto investment, why having a “sell strategy” in place ahead of time is crucial to not losing all of your money, why it’s important to take your own advice, and more.

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

Marty (@thinkingvols) is an experienced options and volatility trader who has been grinding it out in crypto markets for more than 10 years. Even though he doesn't like to admit it, he's an extremely knowledgeable trader and investor with a lot of unique insight into the wilderness of crypto markets. Aside from investing heavily in crypto-related options, Marty is also a full-time Twitter sensation and hat phenomenon. Expect to learn what Marty thinks brand new investors should do if they’re just getting started in crypto, why the market is currently in a state of post-ETF clarity, the biggest potential market trends over the next few months, why he’s freakishly bullish on Brazil, why you should get a job at Chipotle, and more.
Twitter: @thecryptojourno
NGMI Newsletter:

Monday Jan 29, 2024

Mark Monfort is the co-founder of the crypto venture studio Not Centralised and the Australian DeFi Association. Having recently begun pursuing the burgeoning AI space — Mark shares his extensive knowledge of the new field to explain the potential symbiotic relationship between blockchain and artificial intelligence.
Expect to hear about how blockchain and AI can work together to solve some of the digital world's most pressing problems, whether or not quantum computing will eradicate Bitcoin, blockchain and life on the internet as we know it, Mark's top crypto picks for 2024, and much more.
Watch on YouTube:
Find me on Twitter: @thecryptojourno
Find the Newsletter and the Podcast on Twitter: @NGMI_crypto
NGMI Newsletter:

Friday Jan 19, 2024

Tommy Honan is the Head of Product Strategy at the Australian crypto exchange Swyftx. He's been an investor in the crypto industry since 2013, making him an excellent source of long-term knowledge for navigating complex market cycles.
Expect to hear whether Tommy believes Bitcoin ETFs have failed, what to expect from Ethereum and Solana heading into 2024 and why 90% of all new money entering crypto in Australia is heading offshore.
Watch on YouTube: 
Twitter: @thecryptojourno
NGMI Newsletter:

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024

Michael Reo Anderson (aka. Pancakesbrah) is a talented doer of many things related to music, crypto and crafting up innumerable stream-of-consciousness bangers on Twitter.
Hear all about how Reo got caught up in crypto in the first place, why he plans to phase out of the internet token industry to follow a deeper passion for music, how he balances 5+ intensive projects all at once, and much, much more.
Not only is PancakesBrah a formative element of crypto lore — he's also taken wholesome-posting and grinding it out in the trenches of social media to an entirely different level.


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